Struggling to Make Ends Meet in SA? 8 Tips for When Money is Tight

We all know that the best way to make money go further is to create a budget, set goals and to pay off as much debt as possible. But there are less obvious ways to stretch your budget too.

Here are eight tips to make money go further in South Africa if you’re struggling to make ends meet.

1. Stash your change as you spend it

Liberty’s Stash app is an incredibly easy way to continue saving and investing when times are tough.

The app, which is available through the App Store or Google Play, links your credit or debit card and every time you spend using the card, Stash detects the transaction, rounds it up to the nearest R10 and invests your spare change.

The spare change is invested in SA’s Top 40 biggest companies and, as they grow, so does your Stash.

Any debit, credit or cheque card from FNB, Standard Bank, Absa, Nedbank, Investec, RMB, Capitec and DiscoveryCard (VISA and MasterCard) can be linked to the tax-free savings vehicle.

2. Begin a four-week saving challenge (for a year)

Saving small amounts of cash each week hardly hits the wallet but the sum can quickly add up.

Start small by saving R10 a week in the first week. Double that to R20 in week two, R40 in week three and R80 in week four.

Work on 13 four-week cycles and by the end of 12 months you’ll have R1,950 in your savings jar – money you didn’t even miss.

Use it for unplanned expenses like gifts for children’s parties, unexpected items of school uniform or a treat for yourself.

3. Drill down on your groceries

One of the easiest ways to spend less is by managing your grocery purchases. Start by working out your monthly food budget – and sticking to it.

These tips will help you spend less:

  • plan meals to avoid waste
  • limit shopping trips to once or twice a week
  • buy only what you need
  • avoid temptation and unnecessary spending
  • buy grocery vouchers when you have extra cash to spend during holidays or when times are tight.

Most supermarkets discount food that is close to its sell-by date. Ask when your supermarket marks down meat and fresh produce. The food is still perfectly fresh.

4. Build a bottle bank

Many of us have coins in our purse, wallet, bag and drawers that, if saved over time, can add up and provide an unexpected cash boost. Use these coins to build a bottle bank.

A 2L plastic bottle filled with R2 coins will add up to about R3,000. If you save R5 coins, a filled bottle bank should contain R5,000. That’s a large amount to cover expenses when times are tight.

5. Create a community carpool

It takes planning and it’s a little less convenient than using your own car but carpooling is a quick way to cut costs by saving money on petrol and parking costs.

Get a carpool crew together and consistently share the drive to work or to the shops once a week.

6. Declutter your house and wardrobe

Become part of the sharing/recycling community by hosting a household swap party with friends and family.

It’s an easy way to get a new wardrobe without spending a cent.

7. Consider medical expenses

Many doctors and dentists are willing to give significant discounts on their fees, especially when the practitioner charges more than medical-aid rates.

Don’t be shy to ask – ahead of your consultation or treatment – if the doctor is willing to give you a better rate. Offer to pay cash.

Also, review your medical aid and insurance policies. Switching to a different policy can save thousands.

8. Reduce your monthly debit orders

Debit orders let money creep out of your account without you really noticing.

Review all debit orders and cancel anything that’s not essential.

Magazine subscriptions, pay-to-view services like Netflix and Showmax, music streaming, websites and other memberships all deduct money each month.

Each item may not cost much, but together they add up.

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